發跡於 RagerKlan 的 Taji,不同於兇狠的外表,在創作的第一首作品〈SCARY SCARS〉中,便以非比尋常的旋律實力及獨特的聲線,讓該作品在兩週內突破 10 萬點閱,僅憑此作也讓 Taji 以旋律超新星的姿態引爆台饒圈。爾後的作品,不管是狂躁的〈OUT THE MUD〉,或是輕鬆、愜意的〈有包有妹還有酒〉,都讓人們品嚐到 Taji 出色的曲風包容力,及音樂的更多可能性,雖然目前作品數量不多,Taji 仍被許多聽眾評為台饒旋律派的後起新秀。於 2023 年初則宣布正式加入 NXWV ,並夥同 SiNNER MOON、Peatle、REX 組成台灣首個「嘻哈金屬」樂團 Wolf Pacc 2.0,也為本土音樂市場率先引進「Trap Metal」新興曲風,四人迥異聲線交織出的和諧和聲,出奇不意的為組合增添火花。2023 年的 Taji 勢必將以更多嶄新的音樂風格,為台灣的音樂市場帶來更多、更全方位的樣貌。
Taji, a rising star in Taiwan's rap scene, gained fame with his debut work "SCARY SCARS," which quickly gained over 100,000 views within two weeks. His subsequent works, including "OUT THE MUD" and "有包有妹還有酒," showcased his exceptional musical versatility and creativity. In 2023, Taji joined NXWV MEDIA and formed Taiwan's first "Hip-Hop x Metal" band, Wolf Pacc 2.0, which combines elements of "Trap Metal." The group's music features a harmonious blend of the four artists' distinct vocal styles, resulting in an unexpected and exciting collaboration. Taji's music continues to explore new and innovative styles, bringing a more comprehensive and diverse range of sounds to Taiwan's music industry.