饒唱雙棲歌手 HowZ,自饒舌團體「8Ball」發跡,擔任團長發表多首團體作品後,於 2020 年下半年以清新形象展開個人活動,並正式宣告加入 NXWV。以朗朗上口、溫暖且抓耳的旋律及聲線作為主要個人音樂特色,在 2020 年下半年便頻頻發布〈How eaZy〉、〈Butter〉等多首並蟬聯週排行冠軍歌曲,每發新作皆成為一股台饒界的暖流,因此有「饒舌暖男」之美稱。人氣、實力急速攀升的 HowZ 便於 2021 年底發行個人首張創作專輯《帶光者 (theLightBringer) 》,明亮且振奮人心的專輯概念、風格,不僅讓《帶光者》實體專輯蓬勃大賣,也正式讓 HowZ 躋身成為台灣主流音樂圈的超級新星,同年於《KKBOX 催下去》 演出,並先後榮登 KKBOX 風雲榜潮流新聲及 Hit Fm 2022 流行音樂獎中的 HITO 校園人氣創作歌手獎。

Singer and rapper HowZ is a bilingual artist who rose to fame as the leader of the hip-hop group "8Ball." He launched his solo career in the second half of 2020, marked by a fresh image and an official announcement of his joining NXWV. Characterized by his catchy, warm, and melodic voice, HowZ quickly gained recognition in the Taiwanese music scene with the release of hit songs such as "How eaZy" and "Butter." In late 2021, he released his debut solo album "theLightBringer," which garnered widespread commercial success and solidified his status as a rising star in the mainstream music industry. The album's upbeat and inspiring concept and style helped establish him as a leading voice in Taiwan's music scene. He also performed at "KKBOX Turn up Fest" and received the HITO Campus Popular Singer award at the KKBOX Music Awards and Hit FM 2022 Pop Music Awards.


破曉 The First Light
晨星 Morning Star
蓮 Lotus
使徒 Apostle
花火 Firework
我是貓 I'm a cat
日暮 Sunset
See me on the moon
留一盞燈 Leave a light
晚安 Goodnite