被媒體譽為鑽石級鬼才新人的 SiNNER MOON,於 2020 年 9 月才釋出第一首個人作品即成功引起旋風。以 Screamo Rap、New School 嘻哈、Trap Metal 作為個人主要風格,作品中流利且道地的英文口音及癲狂、爆發力十足的現場,皆讓 SiNNER MOON 圈粉無數。其中《Bleed it》、《Vamp》、《PUSSYWANKER》等作品一經發布,便迅速席捲整個台饒市場。並於 2022 年加入了由華納大中華地區發起的亞洲嘻哈連線計畫 “ASIATIC.WAV” 成為台灣唯一收錄藝人,讓 SiNNER MOON 躋身為近年不可錯過的台饒新星之一。於 2021 年底則宣布加入 NXWV ,並與 Peatle 結伴組成台灣首個嘻哈搖滾雙人樂團,也為本土音樂市場率先引進 Trap Metal 新興曲風。並且在 2022 年與 9m88 等五組音樂人被美國南方音樂節 SXSW 選中,成為代表演出藝人之一,被稱為台灣 NEW WAVE 的代表人物之一。
SiNNER MOON, a highly-talented new artist in the music industry, generated significant buzz with the release of his debut solo work in September 2020. He integrates Screamo Rap, New School Hip-Hop, and Trap Metal into his music and has gained a sizable following for his fluent and authentic English accent, as well as his dynamic and energetic live performances. His songs such as "Bleed it", "Vamp" and "PUSSYWANKER" quickly gained popularity in Taiwan's rap market. In 2022, he participated in Warner Music's ASIATIC.WAV project, as the exclusive Taiwan representative, solidifying his status as a must-watch emerging star in Taiwan's rap scene. At the end of 2021, he announced his joining of NXWV and the formation of Taiwan's first Hip-Hop Rock duo band, Wolf Pacc, with Peatle, introducing the emerging genre of Trap Metal in the local music scene. In 2022, SiNNER MOON was also selected to perform as part of a group of five musicians, including 9m88, at the American South Music Festival SXSW, and is considered one of the figures representing Taiwan's New Wave scene.
NEWS of SiNNER MOON / 最新動態
- 「 把世間的一切事物燃燒殆盡」SiNNER MOON 新歌〈i’m sorry for the hell i’ve raised〉帶來全新體驗
Bryn, SiNNER MOON, Kara Chenoa and more team up on Asiatic Records
- SiNNER MOON 攜手多位新生代歌手合作〈OUT THE MUD〉音樂錄影帶
- 台饒鬼才新人 SiNNER MOON 速推新作〈U KAN DO iT 2〉多層次唱腔融合全動畫視覺像玩 GTA 一樣過癮
- 台灣新生代饒舌歌手 SiNNER MOON 最新單曲〈WHOLE NEW SWAG〉正式發佈
- 交大旋律饒舌新星 SiNNER MOON 於夜閃爍台灣 Juice WRLD,龐克魂的新浪美式嘻哈
SiNNER MOON playlist
BLEED IT (Official Visualizer)
SKIN (Official Visualizer)
U KAN DO iT 2 (Official Visualizer)
OUT THE MUD (Official MV)