在 NXWV 帶領下,由 SiNNER MOON 及 PEATLE 組成的金屬 嘻哈樂團 Wolf Pacc,以 Trap Metal 作為樂團主要音樂曲風。將 Trap 曲風強烈、詭譎聽感的編曲、演唱技巧,融合重金屬音樂、搖滾等電吉他、Synth、Scream唱腔等音色元素,讓聽眾在 Wolf Pacc 的作品中能夠一次體會到饒舌的中毒性、嘶吼的狂暴、電子合成器、樂器與 Trap 曲風的完美融合。並以 SiNNER MOON、PEATLE 二人迥異聲線擦出火花,在曲風多元性給予突破框架的嶄新詮釋,其既狠且狂妄的歌詞及詭譎、黑暗的編曲伴隨樂器相互交錯,無一不是在訴說 Wolf Pacc 想藉由音樂震盪世界的狼性。更於 2023 年加入了備受矚目的新生代雙人組 REX 以及 Taji,四人迥異聲線交織出的和諧和聲,出奇不意的為組合增添火花,也讓 Wolf Pacc 成為樂壇新寵兒,不僅讓看過WOLF PACC 現場的觀眾,無論先前所愛是搖滾、嘻哈,都能和諧聚集在 Wolf Pafcc 的各個現場,雙手舉 Wolf Pacc 標誌 X 高喊:Generation X !
Wolf Pacc, a rap duo consisting of SiNNER MOON and PEATLE, is NXWV's first unpolished yet most subversive band. They fuse trap and metal music to create a hybrid vicious sound that aims to reclaim the radicalism of Gen Xers. With powerful storytelling, cinematography, styling, and art direction provided by NXWV, their explosive energy is amplified both audibly and visually. They incorporate snarling metal, hip hop and trap flow, punk and grunge looks, and fat dancey basslines to create a mixture that is bold and transgressive. Wolf Pacc has recently been joined by the new generation duo REX and Taji, adding to the harmony and fire of their sound. This has made Wolf Pacc the new darling of the music industry, as they bring together audiences from different backgrounds to enjoy their music. With their iconic mosh pits and aim to shake the world with their sound, Wolf Pacc is ready to howl through both the mainstream and clubbing scene.
NEWS of WOLF PACC / 最新動態
- 嘻哈金屬團 Wolf Pacc 新歌〈Generation X〉向 X 世代代表人物 Kurt Cobain 致敬
- 致力打造電音 x 嘻哈新高度!製作人 金城KING CHAIN 解密〈ORION〉,直言 “這一首歌,絕對是我努力多年後的結晶"
WOLF PACC playlist
Generation X (Official MV)
Doomsday Party (Official MV)
Wolf Pacc (Official MV)