在節目《大嘻哈時代2》數度被參賽者票選「最不想遇到的對手」的 REX,曾在深圳、煙台、東北長大的他,從小便耳濡目染,接觸許多異域的音樂文化,並從15 歲便開始學習創作、填詞,也逐漸練就磁性且爆發力十足的獨特聲線。而目前音樂作品及實力皆已相當成熟的他,卻是剛滿 18 歲的超級嘻哈新星。在《大嘻哈2》節目第一集演唱作品〈UH YEAH〉便以「喘氣」唱腔締造極高辨識度,成功引起觀眾及節目導師的關注及好感度,爾後又以作品〈RUSH〉再度締造爆款作品,可謂能文也能武,無論是與其他選手較勁或合作,都能以堅強的實力及衝擊性的現場不斷展露頭角,讓 REX 躋身成為不可多得的台饒新秀,也讓不少網民將 REX 視為《大嘻哈時代2》的冠軍候補。於 2023 年初則宣布正式加入 NXWV,並夥同 SiNNER MOON、Peatle、Taji 組成台灣首個「嘻哈金屬」樂團 Wolf Pacc 2.0,也為本土音樂市場率先引進「Trap Metal」新興曲風,四人迥異聲線交織出的和諧和聲,出奇不意的為組合增添火花。2023 年的 REX 勢必將以更多嶄新的音樂風格,為台灣的音樂市場帶來更多、更全方位的樣貌。
REX, known for his unique and explosive vocal style, is making waves in Taiwan's rap scene. The rising star, who grew up in various regions of China, was exposed to a variety of music cultures from a young age, leading him to develop his distinctive sound. At just 18 years old, REX has already demonstrated a mature musical ability, with hit songs such as "UH YEAH" and "RUSH" showcasing his captivating style. He gained further recognition after appearing on "The Rappers 2," where his performance caught the attention of both the audience and the show's mentors. In 2023, REX joined NXWV and formed Taiwan's first "Hip-Hop x Metal" band, Wolf Pacc 2.0, which incorporates the emerging genre "Trap Metal." The group's music features a harmonious blend of the four artists' distinct vocal styles, resulting in an unexpected and exciting collaboration. REX's exceptional vocal style and innovative musical approaches are sure to bring a diverse range of sounds to Taiwan's music industry in the coming year.
有包有妹還有酒 (Official MV)
UH YEAH (Official MV)
呸 PAWI (Official MV)